Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas eve sledding

Hello everyone, this is actually my first post even though this blog thing has been going for quite sometime now, but what better time to start blogging than the holiday season. Since many of us aren't able to be with our family during the holidays, we make sure to go and have fun with eachother. This year was the year of "full moon, christmas eve night sledding" at Carter Park in Breckenridge. I could go into long details, but istead I will just show you a few photos and let you think about how the evening turned out.

Everyone enjoys sledding

Group pic including some people we meet ont he hill

I even got to enjoy a little sled surfing.

Andy, Katie and I taking a short break

Katie and her parents

Group ride with my old highschool friends

Travis, myself and Chris
Group picture with Breck runs in the back ground
Heading downtown we stopped to enjoy the sites
Lastly, what night out would be complete without a photo on the donkeys

As you can see we had a great Christmas eve, and still made it on the hill all day Christmas. Hope all of you out there had a merry Christmas and are getting ready for the new year. For those of you who would like to enjoy carter part sledding, it is located two blocks east of main street on either Adams or Jefferson st. Once on either of those streets, just follow the signs for carter park. Have fun and watch out for the gauntlet (those who go will know what i mean).

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