Wednesday, January 9, 2008

So much snow, yet still no pictures

I would like to apologize on Andy's behalf. After reading his post from yesterday promising a slew of eye-popping photos documenting the great snow we have been receiving, I am sorry to report that both he and I neglected to take our cameras with us today. At least I didn't promise I would. If you need an idea as to how the skiing was for us today, I recommend you pick up the latest issue of Ski, Skiing, or Freeskiing magazine and flip to a page with a large photo spread of a few amazing skiers ripping down some untouched powder with snow billowing over their shoulders. After more than a few runs down the Cucumber Bowl at Breckenridge I had snow plastered all over the front of my pants and jacket up to my chin, and it wasn't all from my face plant off a little rock cliff I tried to drop. Not quite a snorkel day, but beautiful nonetheless. Hopefully one of us will remember our cameras in the next few days so we can prove how beautiful the skiing out here in Summit County really is. In the meantime, stop by or The North Face store in downtown Breckenridge, and at least you can get the gear you need to rip up and down whatever snow-covered hills you may encounter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tony - I looked in the latest issue of Ski Magazine, and there you were! I'm sure of it! Hard to tell, with your helmet on, but it had to be you! I could tell by all the cool North Face gear you were wearing!